Author Archives: Raven Bower

Nymph’s Lair ~ New Adventure Fantasy Novella Released!
Lain and I are pleased to announce that our adventure fantasy novella, Nymph’s Lair, is now available at Amazon in print and Kindle by Hydra Publications! This novella kicks off a new fantasy series I’m working on >:) Muahhaha Blurb: For years, the barbarian warrior Roch has hunted the murderous pirate Victor Karn. Finally, through a vision from a […]
Hydra Games Author Tricia Ballad ~ On Writing
What Tricia has to say about writing: I’ve done a lot of things, and had half a dozen jobs, businesses, and projects over the years. All that dabbling was my way of hiding. I’ve wanted to write stories for a living since I was four years old, but some part of my psyche was convinced that responsible adults don’t get […]

Hydra Games Author Tricia Ballad’s Favorite Things
Yuuumm have to like a lady who loves coffee! Here’s Tricia Ballad on her favorite things! The amazing, rich roasty smell when you open a jar of home-roasted coffee. It’s a little luxury to start the day. I love traveling – not the “16 hours in a car to sleep on Aunt Vera’s couch” travel, but the moment where you […]

Hydra Games Introduces ~ Tricia Ballad!
We’re pleased to introduce one of our module and novel writers – Tricia Ballad! Tricia Ballad is probably insane. Rational people do not think they can homeschool children in four different grades all at the same time, and keep up with the laundry. People in full control of their faculties do not decide, in the midst of a large, […]

Hydra Games Author Shawna Romkey on Writing!
With us today is Hydra Games author Shawna Romkey giving us some insight into her writing world 🙂 Shawna: When I write I have to be alone so I don’t get disturbed. Having three dogs, a husband, and two boys makes this challenging, especially since they’re all quite needy and can’t seem to live without me for 5 minutes. I […]

Author Shawna Romkey’s Favorite Things
Love this ditty from Shawna Romkey on her favorite things! Take it away Shawna! “Sprinkles on donuts and smiles on dogs Alternative rock, but I really hate frogs. Extended editions of Lord of the Rings These are a few of my favorite things. Hobbits and Hogwarts and vamps that don’t shine, Back off, Robert Downey Jr is mine! George […]

Free Book! Primal is Free Today in Kindle!
“Primal was addicting. Sexy and dangerous.” Amazon Reviewer Our saucy, gritty urban fantasy novel, Primal, is free today! Even if you don’t have a Kindle Amazon has a free Cloud Reader that enables readers to read Kindle books on their computers. Primal is book one in the Vengeance series – part of Primal Earth, a new urban fantasy […]
Hydra Games Introduces Shawna Romkey!
And the dice tell me… *peers at them* Nothing! (Okay okay a mutation of a line from Willow – couldn’t help it 😀 ) The dice really tell me that we’re proud to introduce another of our Hydra Games writers – Shawna Romkey! Shawna grew up in around farms in the heart of Missouri but went to the University of […]
Eden’s Favorite Things
Our Hydra Team Author Eden’s Favorite things: The Fall: This brilliant movie has just about everything you need to know about writing: great character creation, fantastic play on tropes and a good twist. An epic tale from a stuntman in a hospital sweeps a young girl into a world of danger, bravery and betrayal. Soon, the tale collapses, as the […]
Eden’s Thoughts On Writing
Our torture subject for this week, Hydra Games writer Eden Kupermintz, shares some thoughts on writing. In his words: Writing is an individual experience. Some describe it as a flow, others as an inner voice and yet more as a necessity. I don’t think that there’s one quote that can encompass the magic and mystery that is the writing process. […]