Author Archives: Raven Bower
New Paranormal Horror Series!
Wooohoo! It’s official! I’m super excited to announce that Hydra Publications just signed my gritty paranormal horror story to a three-book contract! The chaos begins with Ashes to Ashes, then Dust to Dust, and then Valley of Death! <scary music here> I’m not sure on the publication dates, but Tony and his team are stellar and usually leading the ball, […]

A Shadow of Time by Louann Carroll
Today I have a guest post from Louann Carroll, author of A Shadow of Time. She’ll tell us a bit about her character, Leanore, and she’s offering a giveaway! Insight Into Leanore For someone like Leanore, who is comfortable traveling through vast dimensions, Shadow Ley represents a curse and a threat to those she loves. When Kellyn O’Brien takes […]

5 Ways to Keep Writing on Track During the Holidays
As 2015 draws to an end, many of us writerly types are primping our spiffy new 2016 planners and stuffing them full of writing projects. We’re also wrapping up our latest WIPs, gluing on bows and dusting them with glitter for 2016 submissions. Yet with the holidays lurking over our shoulders and sucking away time like an evil […]

Gifts for Writers
Muses are notoriously difficult to capture – wily creatures. And they bite. Hard. Particularly when you attempt to wrap them in bows. So, it’s safer to leave the muse wrangling to the author in your life and choose gifts that don’t draw blood, or stalk you for that matter. Like…books! What writer doesn’t love books, right? Even better, books that […]

Wine Review ~ Apothic Dark Red Blend
I’m serving this Apothic Dark Red Blend at Thanksgiving dinner because it’s a beautiful not too sweet, not too dry wine that would appeal to most red wine lovers. I tested it out last week and after the second glass (I had to confirm the results of the first glass and because – wine) decided that this is a wine […]
Genre, Genre, Why for Art Thou, Genre?
The cringe-worthy moment – “My novel is a horror, romance, thriller, mystery, suspense, historical, paranormal, literary work of genius! It’s so unique and creative that it defies genre! Besides, genres are just useless labels. Writing is creative! It shouldn’t be labeled!” *not-so-patient stare* Sadly, these writers don’t understand the industry. Moreover, they don’t understand readers and that, my lovely strangelings, […]

Recipe ~ Shrimp Pockets
I call these pockets because they come out looking more like a pocket than roll – for me anyway. It’s a simple, fast recipe that can be served as a side for the family or kept in the fridge to use as a main course for several lunches or dinners. They’re one of my favorite go-to recipes when on […]

Do the Work by Steven Pressfield
5 count them, 5 bats. Do the Work is another gem from author Steven Pressfield’s trove. He also wrote The War of Art – which is a worthy read as well. I like his website too – it has lots of spiffy things for readers and writers alike, including Writing Wednesdays. This is a great book that tells it […]

Captain Morgan’s Cannon Blast
Okay, admittedly, I bought this on a whim because the bottle is so darn cool. Check it out. See. Look. *points to picture* Cool bottle, right? Right. Is it as cool inside? Eh. Depends on your tolerance for sweet rums. If you like citrus and you love syrupy sweet rums, say the coconut flavor, you’d probably enjoy this one. […]
10 Ways to Stay Sane(ish) On Submission
Yes. The time of dread and doom for writers – being on submission. To the non-writers out there, that means the gut-twisting, soul-shredding wait between the time a writer submits their query or manuscript to an agent and the time they hear back. It’s really not as bad as we make it out to be, well, not quite. And there […]