Category: Focus Projects

Spicy Grave
Dun dun dun! Our first grave, one year later. It’s complete and growing in nicely. Just need Lain to engrave it – muahahhaha! Whatever shall we put upon it? Most of the plants, except for the chives and decorative carpet plant (with the pink flowers), are from Richter’s Herbs out of Canada. They have wonderful plants – even rare […]

Aquatics Review ~ Gulf Coast Ecosystems Rocks!
Company: Gulf Coast Ecosystems aka GCE Products: Mostly marine macro algae, also some marine foods and snails. Rating: 5 bats This was my first experience with GCE and certainly won’t be my last! My prime concern with dealing with aquatics is the knowledge and availability of their staff/owners. I wanted to make sure the algae I’d chosen […]

Grave Preparations
The soil in the cemetery area, with the exception of the last two graves which were outside of the contractors work area, was just as poor as Eastern border. Even though we planned on making the graves raised – essentially functioning as tapered raised beds – slapping top soil on top of poor soil would have just soured the […]

Eastern Cemetery Border Prep
This is the eastern border of the cemetery area after several tillings. The soil was predominately clay so to lighten it and provide better drainage, we added peat moss, organic matter (leaves from last fall), a few cart loads of sand and a top layer of compost. After tilling those in until they were quite well mixed, we turned […]

Introducing Our Main Focus Project – The Gothic Cemetery!
Gothic Cemetery! Of doom! Because everything goes better with doom 😀 Here are some of the ‘before’ pictures – I have different views that I’ll post later – that capture the majority of where the cemetery will be. It faces our bedroom windows so every morning…Dawn of the Dead anyone? Ahem. Anyways, bad jokes aside, there’ll be graves, headstones […]

Haunted Orchard!
Haunted Beginnings Greetings and welcome to what will become the haunted orchard! Muahahaha! To give a little background this…sand pit you see was once a cool wildling area and upon its edges sat my 5 year old red currant bushes and 5 year old grape vines. That was until nigh on two years ago when some <enter eyeball melting cusses […]