Category: Events

What’s Love Got to Do With It? Win a $250 eGiftcard!
Welcome to my cyber abode. I’m glad you could participate in the What’s Love Got to Do With It? Valentine’s day blog hop! What’s love got to do with it? Everything! What is life without love? Love is so much more than a word whispered in the dark or embossed on a card. It’s deep and has many meanings, […]

Introducing the Hydra Games Team ~ Eden Kupermintz
We’ll be introducing one of our Team Members each week – decided by die roll of course – feel free to say hi or comment here or at our Hydra Games FB Page. Eden Kupermintz is 25 and is working furiously towards never dying. He lives in Tel Aviv, Israel where the choking heat sends him to his writing, […]
Where We Lurk
We’ve been upgrading and adding to our media sites. We can now be found lurking at: Website: Blog: Fanpage: Raven’s page: Facebook Lain’s page: Author twitter: @RavenBower Author G+: Horror World: Book Links: Apparitions paperback: Apparitions Kindle: Wendigo paperback: Wendigo Kindle:
Event – Trail of Tales
Events – Trail of Tales We attended Trail of Tales in Cadillac Michigan this past March – it was a blast! Thanks to all who attended and took the time to drop by and chat. We hear the event is scheduled again for 2013 and we look forward to attending next year.