Introducing the Hydra Games Team ~ Eden Kupermintz

Posted by on August 21, 2012 in Events, News | Comments Off on Introducing the Hydra Games Team ~ Eden Kupermintz


We’ll be introducing one of our Team Members each week – decided by die roll of course – feel free to say hi or comment here or at our Hydra Games FB Page.

Eden Kupermintz is 25 and is working furiously towards never dying. He lives in Tel Aviv, Israel where the choking heat sends him to his writing, in his air-conditioned room. Eden has been reading Science Fiction and Fantasy for the past 13 years and writes poetry, short stories, game systems and settings. He has a B.A in Philosophy and History and is currently starting his M.A studies in History. Expect epic battles, court assassinations and a flare for the historic.

In his free time Eden loves playing overly complicated board games (record playing time: 3 days), worming through his 500 book library and bothering all his friends into reading some obscure Phillip K. Dick title or an Indie sci-fi film. Standing tall at 6”5’, Eden uses his physical size to subdue his enemies into a cowed existence before he wins their heart with a poetry quote or a timely philosophical musing. When he’s not busy vanquishing foes, Eden holds a Brown Belt in Shotokan Karate and has experience in Judo and fencing.