Author Archives: Raven Bower

Grave Preparations
The soil in the cemetery area, with the exception of the last two graves which were outside of the contractors work area, was just as poor as Eastern border. Even though we planned on making the graves raised – essentially functioning as tapered raised beds – slapping top soil on top of poor soil would have just soured the […]

Movie Review ~ The Woman in Black
Title: The Woman in Black Director: James Watkins Genre: Horror/Supernatural suspense Rating: 5 bats Kudos to Director James Watkins for putting out a stellar supernatural suspense! I was a bit leery going in to this movie because of Daniel Radcliff as the lead – he just doesn’t do it for me. I watched it anyway, drawn to […]

Friday’s Five Favs ~ Drinks to Sauce Up the Weekend!
Bad pun 🙂 We’re getting a bit of freedom from the kids and so I’m in party mode! Cheers! The Martini! ~ The classic sort, made with gin of course! I rinse my olives really well for these because I don’t like the salty taste. I recently received a tip from a fellow martini lover who said to […]

Eastern Cemetery Border Prep
This is the eastern border of the cemetery area after several tillings. The soil was predominately clay so to lighten it and provide better drainage, we added peat moss, organic matter (leaves from last fall), a few cart loads of sand and a top layer of compost. After tilling those in until they were quite well mixed, we turned […]

Movie Review ~ Underworld, Rise of the Lycans
Title: Underworld, Rise of the Lycans Director: Patrick Tatopoulos Genre: Urban Fantasy, Horror Rating: 4 Bats First, let me state that I’m not generally a fan of prequels. And to be completely honest, this was an unnecessary prequel because the flashbacks and info we received in the first two Underworld movies about summed up this entire movie. So does […]

Friday’s Five Favs ~ Luscious Weekend Treats!
Banana Split Bites ~ I snagged this off a new Facebook page I’ve been haunting, Delicious Desserts, which is dedicated to desserts! It’s where I’ve found quite a few new favorites. These lovelies are super simple to make and refreshing. Blueberry Quinoa Parait ~ You can’t beat nutritious and delicious! Plus I’m partial to blueberries 😀 […]

Recipe ~ Purple Dragon Tea
Purple Dragon Tea This is one of my favorite herbal tea blends that I dubbed Purple Dragon because of its calming nature. Plus, it’s simple to make and requires only three ingredients. 50% Wood Betony 50% Catnip Boiling water to steep. I use a tea ball for single servings or a teapot with a metal basket to hold loose […]

Keeping it Real ~ Research & Fiction
One of the most mind-boggling experiences I’ve had since venturing into the world of writing is the misconception held by those outside of the industry (or worse, those within!) that fiction doesn’t require research. When people hear that I write speculative fiction a common reaction is – “Oh cool! So you just get to make everything up!” Uhm. No. […]

Movie Review ~ Grave Encounters
Title: Grave Encounters Director: The Vicious Brothers Genre: Horror/Supernatural Rating: 5 bats For a budget of $50k The Vicious Brothers pulled off one banger of a supernatural film! The characters were well drawn and interesting, they argued but it was about valid issues they were facing, not the often childish arguments that are unfortunately so common in some horror […]

Readers Are AWESOME ~ Gift From an Actor
Check out this awesome gift from actor William C. Fox! We first met Will during the trials and tribulations of the Nano Effect (Mad Lab Films). As you can see by the photo above, he has the capacity to look dastardly and classy at the same time – good villain material hehe Thanks Will!