Author Archives: Raven Bower

Year of the Snake Blog Hop!
Welcome and thanks for hopping by my blog for the Year of the Snake blog hop! The following excerpt of a character acting like a snake is from our novel, Primal – book 1 of the Vengeance urban fantasy series. Tanner grinned as they pulled out of the Federal Forest. Kira was going to love this. They […]

Homemade Marshmallows by Sara Thompson! Yum!
To celebrate the release of Weeping Dark: Bleeding Edge and the spunky heroine Shayla Dormyr, we’re highlighting one of Shayla’s favorite things – marshmallows! Sara Thompson from Sara’s Soaks joins us today with a wonderful homemade marshmallow recipe, complete with alternatives, that you can enjoy in your own kitchen. Homemade Marshmallows Sara Thompson As with most complicated looking recipes, it […]

Movie Review ~ Tremors
Title: Tremors Director: Ron Underwood Genre: Horror/Creature Feature Rating: 4 bats This is one of my kids’ favorite movies and for good reason – it’s a blast! The characters are so fun and the story is exciting enough to make any glitches seem more a part of the humor than an actual flaw. The humor in this, by […]

Creative Thoughts from Vile Femme Owner ~ Kerrie Parker!
Please welcome Kerrie Parker, maker of gothic and horror art and jewelry, to the Gothic Living blog today! I recently asked Kerrie what inspired her to create her business, Vile Femme. Take it away Kerrie! I never know how to start these things….is this thing on? I usually like to break the ice with a couple of […]

Interview with Author T.J. Brown ~ Summerset Abbey Release!
Visiting the blog today is T.J Brown, author of Summerset Alley. I’ve always admired Teri, she’s a fantastic writer who juggles a full life and many responsibilities besides. Welcome Teri and congratulations on your newest release! Thanks for having me! When you first entered the publishing world, what was the one thing about the industry that you didn’t expect? […]

Movie Review ~ Demon Hunter
Title: Demon Hunter Director: Scott Ziehl Genre: Horror, Supernatural Horror, Satanic Rating: 3 bats Generally speaking, I enjoy this genre and the stories portrayed of fell angels infiltrating human society. The movie was fun to watch and the main character, the demon hunter Jacob, was interesting. Sean Patrick Flannery brought realism to his role as a half-demon in […]

Movie Review ~ Apartment 143
Title: Apartment 143 Director: Carles Torrens Genre: Horror, Found Footage, Supernatural Horror Rating: 2 Bats The best word for this movie is – predictable. It’s obvious from the beginning who has issues (sorry, no spoilers here!) and one has a very strong idea of how the movie will unfold. There’s no twists and although there’s a lot action […]

Homemade Gothic Christmas Ornaments with Sara’s Soaks!
Our guest today is Sara from Sara’s Soaks talking about making homemade gothic Christmas ornaments. They’re really cool! Take it away Sara! Sara: We have decked our halls with black and red for a very Gothic Christmas. I will tell you I’m not exactly a planner. My family thinks I am but I’m very much a wing-it sort of […]

Darkling Dolls for the Best in Creepy Cute Christmas Gifts!
Visiting the blog today is Michelle, from Darkling Designs. She creates these wonderfully creepy dolls like the handsome chap above. Dolls of all shapes and sizes are a great conversation piece, but that is especially true for Michelle’s creations. I always thought that dolls were scary to begin with, but Michelle takes it to a beautiful new level. So […]

Christmas at Paizo with James Sutter ~ Perfect Gifts for Gamers!
Celebrating a Gothic Christmas with us is James Sutter – author of Death’s Heretic and senior editor at Paizo Publishing, creators of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. This is a particularly exciting guest for us, weekend Pathfinder games are a family tradition you see. The kids even get their chores done early just to nab extra time rolling dice, fighting beasties […]