Category: Gothic Living

5 Ways to Keep Writing on Track During the Holidays
As 2015 draws to an end, many of us writerly types are primping our spiffy new 2016 planners and stuffing them full of writing projects. We’re also wrapping up our latest WIPs, gluing on bows and dusting them with glitter for 2016 submissions. Yet with the holidays lurking over our shoulders and sucking away time like an evil […]

Wine Review ~ Apothic Dark Red Blend
I’m serving this Apothic Dark Red Blend at Thanksgiving dinner because it’s a beautiful not too sweet, not too dry wine that would appeal to most red wine lovers. I tested it out last week and after the second glass (I had to confirm the results of the first glass and because – wine) decided that this is a wine […]

Recipe ~ Shrimp Pockets
I call these pockets because they come out looking more like a pocket than roll – for me anyway. It’s a simple, fast recipe that can be served as a side for the family or kept in the fridge to use as a main course for several lunches or dinners. They’re one of my favorite go-to recipes when on […]
Horror Movie Survival Kit
Mancrates contacted me about doing a post on what I’d want in a Horror Movie Survival kit. Though these kits are marketed primarily as gifts for men they’re equally fun for women. Especially for those of us that like our gifts presented in something like a crate, which can be repurposed into cooler things than bows and wrapping. Like sharpened […]

My Little Sea Monster!
And now for the answer to what aquatic critter necessitated the breeding of black worms, red wigglers and, eventually, night crawlers. Dun dun dun… *drum roll* My little sea monster! Isn’t he adorable? His noble name is – Agrathax the Axolotl Hailing from the chilly, spring fed waters of Mexico, these cute wee nuggets are cold water critters […]

Holy Squirming Hordes, Batman!
In a previous post I mentioned having to re-do some aquascaping to accommodate a new aquatic critter. These are not that critter, but these are necessary to feed the critter. They are…black worms! Technically, they’re not black – they’re more of a reddish brown as you can see in the pic. They’re a good treat or food source for […]

Revamped Display Tank!
This is what happens when Lain and I have a bit of vaca time – fiddling with tanks LOL Since there’s a new aquatic on his way to our home (you’ll see when I get him, he’s super rad!) I had to switch my 20g display tank into a home for him. Since this particular beastie doesn’t like bright […]

Plant Lore ~ Skullcap
Latin name: Scutellaria lateriflora A perennial herb native to North America, this little gem is usually found in the wilds dwelling in rich, moist soil usually near streams, in ditches or marshlands. As a woodland herb, it does well in partially shady areas or sun. I like to show off its vibrant green color by placing it against […]

Yay! We Have Maggots in the Tank!
Well, I’ve taken a new plunge! Over the course of the time I’ve been in aquatics, there’s a growing concern from many in the industry about the fragile sustainability of wild-harvesting tropical and saltwater fish. With so many areas facing the threat of depleting wild populations as well as some areas closing the doors to wild harvesting due to the […]

Spicy Grave
Dun dun dun! Our first grave, one year later. It’s complete and growing in nicely. Just need Lain to engrave it – muahahhaha! Whatever shall we put upon it? Most of the plants, except for the chives and decorative carpet plant (with the pink flowers), are from Richter’s Herbs out of Canada. They have wonderful plants – even rare […]