Category: Reviews

Health ~ Jillian Michaels’ ‘Hard Body’ DVD Review
Title: Hard Body Genre: Workout DVD, Health, Exercise Bats: 5 I buy Jillian Michaels‘ DVDs for two primary reasons – 1. They are effective. 2. I love her no-nonsense, push-you-to-make-you-the-best-you attitude. Hard Body is no exception. It’s a brutal workout and though she does have a Beginners version for most of the moves, I’d still recommend that […]

Movie Review ~ Dawn Rider (Western)
Title: Dawn Rider Director: Terry Miles Genre: Western, action Rating: 5 bats This is a really nifty film in the tone of the traditional westerns. Basic premise is – the father of a notorious gunslinger is shot by bandits and the gunslinger (Slater’s character) seeks justice. There’s a love triangle in here that adds to the plot […]

Movie Review ~ Sanctum (Thriller)
Title: Sanctum Director: Alister Grierson Genre: Suspense, thriller, adventure Rating: 5 bats This movie is simply a must watch. It’s about a group of explorers delving into a previously uncharted cave system – complete with rivers and subterranean lakes. When a tropical storm rolls in, it floods the upper tunnels and they’re forced to find another way […]

Movie Review ~ Shark Night (Horror)
Title: Shark Night Director: David R. Ellis Genre: Horror, creature feature Rating: 3 bats The blurb for this shark fest doesn’t do the movie justice. In fact, I almost didn’t bother watching it because of the ‘so what?’ factor. Maybe they ought to have at least mentioned that the group of friends are trapped on an island […]

Movie Review ~ Dean Teaster’s Ghost Town (Western)
Title: Dean Teaster’s Ghost Town Director: Dean West & Jeff Kennedy Genre: Western, action Rating: 4 bats This is a nice, ditty of a western. The characters were interesting and it had a lot of history, which created a solid world. The strife, remorse and desire for revenge (on both the goodie and baddie side) were grounded […]

Movie Review ~ Tremors
Title: Tremors Director: Ron Underwood Genre: Horror/Creature Feature Rating: 4 bats This is one of my kids’ favorite movies and for good reason – it’s a blast! The characters are so fun and the story is exciting enough to make any glitches seem more a part of the humor than an actual flaw. The humor in this, by […]

Movie Review ~ Demon Hunter
Title: Demon Hunter Director: Scott Ziehl Genre: Horror, Supernatural Horror, Satanic Rating: 3 bats Generally speaking, I enjoy this genre and the stories portrayed of fell angels infiltrating human society. The movie was fun to watch and the main character, the demon hunter Jacob, was interesting. Sean Patrick Flannery brought realism to his role as a half-demon in […]

Movie Review ~ Apartment 143
Title: Apartment 143 Director: Carles Torrens Genre: Horror, Found Footage, Supernatural Horror Rating: 2 Bats The best word for this movie is – predictable. It’s obvious from the beginning who has issues (sorry, no spoilers here!) and one has a very strong idea of how the movie will unfold. There’s no twists and although there’s a lot action […]

Movie Review ~ Bait
Title: Bait Director: Kimble Rendall Genre: Horror / Creature Feature / action adventure Rating: 5 bats I’m a huge fan of shark movies, but what some directors in this genre are pawning off on their audiences is pure cheese & tripe. Thankfully, that’s not the case with Kimble Rendall’s Bait. There were a few relatable characters to cheer […]

Movie Review ~ Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Title: Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Director: Timur Bekmambetov Genre: Horror / Creature Feature / action adventure Rating: 5 bats When I saw that Tim Burton was involved in this movie it became a must see. *loves Burton’s style* Yet, he didn’t direct it so I wasn’t quite sure how well Timur would pull off mixing vampires, horror and period […]