Author Archives: Raven Bower

Desiree Finkbeiner on The Beginning of Ethos: Morning Star
Please welcome Desiree Finkbeiner author of the fantasy novel Ethos: Morning Star and Graphic Designer, who willingly subjected herself to being my first torture subject…errr…guest 🙂 Keeping with the Theme of Beginnings – here’s what Desiree has to say about writing the Beginning of Ethos. Raven: Did you have issues with it? How do you handle writing your openings? […]
Writing Beginnings – Opening Sentence
Gone are the days of slowly oozing out a beginning with frilly descriptions of the skyline, weather (unless it’s dramatic weather!) or lazily droning about a character’s description and backstory. And thankfully so! How very dull. In today’s world of fiction authors must hook their reader (remember, editors are readers too!) with the first sentence. Some fine examples: “Quinn had […]

Movie Review – Mongolian Death Worm
Title: Mongolian Death Worm Director: Stephen R. Monroe Genre: Horror/Creature Feature Rating: 2 bats This gets two bats purely because I like the death by worm scenario and there’s so few of them out there. That said, I have to wonder if some of the people involved in Tremors were involved in Mongolian Death Worm because it was […]
Readers Are Awesome!!
Woohoo! Got a surprise in my email box last night! A fan of our Raven & Lain Bower page noticed that we didn’t have a banner – so she made one! It’s really cool and it was super sweet of her to do. What a great email to open 🙂 Check it out at our Facebook Fan Page! Thanks Kari!

Book Review – Unlimited by Jillian Michaels
Title: Unlimited Author: Jillian Michaels Genre: Non-Fiction Publisher: Three Rivers Press Series: No Rating: 5 bats Heat Level: n/a Wow. This should be mandatory reading material! I read this book last year and am refreshing myself with it this year. It is amazingly inspiring without the pander or excuses a lot of self-help gurus tend to spiel. I love […]

Introducing Our Main Focus Project – The Gothic Cemetery!
Gothic Cemetery! Of doom! Because everything goes better with doom 😀 Here are some of the ‘before’ pictures – I have different views that I’ll post later – that capture the majority of where the cemetery will be. It faces our bedroom windows so every morning…Dawn of the Dead anyone? Ahem. Anyways, bad jokes aside, there’ll be graves, headstones […]

Haunted Orchard!
Haunted Beginnings Greetings and welcome to what will become the haunted orchard! Muahahaha! To give a little background this…sand pit you see was once a cool wildling area and upon its edges sat my 5 year old red currant bushes and 5 year old grape vines. That was until nigh on two years ago when some <enter eyeball melting cusses […]
Where We Lurk
We’ve been upgrading and adding to our media sites. We can now be found lurking at: Website: Blog: Fanpage: Raven’s page: Facebook Lain’s page: Author twitter: @RavenBower Author G+: Horror World: Book Links: Apparitions paperback: Apparitions Kindle: Wendigo paperback: Wendigo Kindle:
Event – Trail of Tales
Events – Trail of Tales We attended Trail of Tales in Cadillac Michigan this past March – it was a blast! Thanks to all who attended and took the time to drop by and chat. We hear the event is scheduled again for 2013 and we look forward to attending next year.

Rose Water
Rose Water Nothing smells quite as earthy as rose water, plus it’s great for the skin after a long soak in the tub. It’s super simple to make and requires only basic ingredients. Rose petals soften, sooth and nourish the skin and can be of particular use on sun or wind damaged skin. Ingr: 1 heaping tablespoons rose petals 4 […]